Monday, September 22, 2014

Diaper Snap Conversion

As quilters and sewers, we know a lot about a lot of crafty things. That being said, I wanted to show you that you can convert diaper covers from velcro to snaps.  Maybe you don't have a need to know this, but it may come in handy at your next baby shower as a conversation starter.

When at home, my DDILs like to use cloth diapers for their babies. It has something to do with saving the planet and saving money. The diapers are very durable and they have passed their diapers among the four grandchildren. I believe that is saving the planet and money.

The moms have tried them all.  They like Bum Genius diaper covers.  They prefer snaps over velcro.  So I was asked to convert three velcro covers to snaps.  I have the Babyville tools and the snaps so I was all set to give it a try.

The cover looks like this.  It is actually the cover and diaper all in one.  This is what I was using for my placement of the snaps.  There are excellent YouTube tutorials available if you need more help.   

See the velcro version compared to the snaps version.  I removed the velcro from all the places.  I used the blue painters tape and placed it over the green cover to mark the snap placement.  I used a marker and marked the spots ON THE TAPE  where I needed to place the awl to pierce the hole in the fabric to be able to easily insert the pointed end of the snap.  I didn't take a photo of all of the steps.  I refer you to the tutorials on YouTube.  Just google "converting diapers from velcro to snaps" and there are several excellent resources.   

 My first attempt is crooked.  But doesn't matter.  They work just fine.  I did three covers and was a pro by the end of the project.

Ta Da!  They work great and the momma is happy. We want the momma happy. It does not have to be perfect, it just has to work.

Help a mom today!

1 comment:

  1. Yeahhhh! I am so excited to have a few more in the rotation so I can do less laundry.
