I have made a few pieces for Valentine's this month. I saw this design in a magazine or catalogue, somewhere. It has been flagged with a post-it note for a while.

It is made with some of my collected pink and brown prints. I have quite a few of those and that plaid in the border is also a leftover piece. The hearts are fused with Heat and Bond Lite and I used a zig zag to stitch around the edge. I hand quilted with the last of my Presencia #8 pink perle thread. Must get more as I love using that to hand quilt.
Next up is a piece for my Mom. She likes little quilts to hang by her door at her apartment. She hasn't seen this one yet...I will take it tomorrow and she is going to love it. I used the technique of outlining with black thread as shown in the Sweet Tweets book by Erin Cox. I did stitch around one heart a few times but ended up ripping it out. Somehow I like the single outline stitch the best.
This is completely my original design. I cut hearts and leaves and used bits and pieces of leftover fabric. Rummaged through the button jar and found the perfect buttons still on the card. All fused with Heat and Bond Lite.
Echo quilting...First time to seriously echo quilt by hand stitches. I have another unfinished project that I want to echo quilt....someday.
I know I have readers and lookers but ever only a handful of comments. Let me know you have been here.
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Linking up with Esther on her Esther's Quilt Blog.
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Linking up with Esther on her Esther's Quilt Blog.